Venerable Brighton Speedway Buildings
It's time for fixing...
by Fran Gardino
These 360 degree photos were taken inside the Speedway Buildings in
late 2014. I tried to keep the renditions of the images as
true to the actual place. The insides of the buildings are in dire condition and, no doubt, need
some tender loving care.
(hint: you can see
images at 3X magnification if you right click on an image and show it
in a new window)
The wallpaper and paneling inside makes some of the rooms like they
could be images of my childhood home...
I didn't know that there was a four cell jailhouse there as well?
remind me of the Van Gogh painting of his hospital room with eerie
yellow light.
The conditions outside are a bit better...
Now that you've seen them, how about imagining the images printed 30
feet long and installed in one of my mini-cyclorama tents?
Ah, the glory of it all!
Speedway Door
To see the progress of the Speedway Building rehabilitation, visit