Paw-ligraphy 101:

by Fran Gardino

This page was inspired by some creative dog paw tracks in the ballpark mud in Rogers Park in Brighton MA.

Of course it'a all translated using my own personal human experience with purely pet semantics. :{)


Hello Humans
Hello Humans!

Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

I've got a lot to tell you.
I've got a lot to tell you.

I don't like leashes.
First of all, I don't like leashes...

I don't like to be kicked.
...and I don't like to be kicked.

Can you take me for a walk?
Can you take me for a walk?

I wanna go now!
I wanna go now!

Hold on I smell something.
Hold on, I smell something.

Smells like a rose!
Smells like a rose!

OK, we can go now.
OK, we can go now.

Where am I ?
Wait, where am I ?

Let's see, I'd rather go that way.
Let's see, I'd rather go that way.


I'm tired.  Let's go home.
I'm tired.  Let's go home.

I love you.
I love you.


What do you think?  No more far-fetched than reading their body language.